Welcome to the home page for ECE4703 "Real-Time Digital Signal Processing" for B-term 2006.
announcements and lecture slides
- [6-Dec-2006] Updated MMSE Matlab code demonstrating the concept of gradient descent and LMS.
- [5-Dec-2006] Example Matlab code demonstrating the concept of MMSE for unknown system identification.
- [4-Dec-2006] EXAM 3 DATE CHANGED TO TUESDAY 12-DEC. Please mark your calendar accordingly.
- [16-Nov-2006] Lecture 14 slides.
- [31-Oct-2006] Lecture 5 slides.
- [23-Oct-2006] An email was sent to the class mailing alias ece4703@wpi.edu today. If you did not receive this email, please contact Prof. Brown.
The required course textbook is Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Based on the TMS320C6000 by Nasser Kehtarnavaz.
The course syllabus (pdf format) including expected course outcomes, grading information, and late policies.
ECE4703 academic honesty policies.
ECE4703 students with disabilities statement.
links and files
Links and files. Please contact Prof. Brown if you find any broken links.
project 1: orientation
Assignment (pdf format). Gradesheet (pdf format).
Orientation presentation (pdf format).
Signoff due by 1:50pm on 1-Nov-2006. No report is due.
project 2: fir filtering
Assignment (pdf format). Gradesheet (pdf format).
Signoff due by 1:50pm on 8-Nov-2006. Report due by 4:00pm on 9-Nov-2006.
project 3: iir filtering
Assignment (pdf format). Gradesheet (pdf format).
Signoff due by 1:50pm on 15-Nov-2006. Report due by 4:00pm on 16-Nov-2006.
You may the following Matlab simulation handy for designing and testing out your fixed-point IIR filters. This simulation code implements floating-point and fixed-point Direct Form II (non-SOS) and was discussed in lecture on 14-Nov-2006.
Here is a cleaned-up Matlab simulation that basically does everything the prior simulation does but calls a overload function to take care of the overload checks. This code is also modified to show you just how much overflow you are getting so you can change the fractional representation accordingly.
project 4: efficient programming in assembly
Assignment (pdf format). Gradesheet (pdf format).
Signoff due by 1:50pm on 29-Nov-2006. Report due by 4:00pm on 30-Nov-2006.
Here is a simple example of a project with a C-callable assembly function. Note that all of the math in this code is for integer datatypes. You will need different MPY/ADD instructions for floating point datatypes.
project 5: the fast fourier transform
Assignment (pdf format). Gradesheet (pdf format).
Here is an example project that covers all of the practical considerations discussed in lecture on 4-Dec-2006. This example shows frame processing, double buffering, complex math, pre-computation of the twiddle factors, and clever twiddle factor index computation in the DFT. Note that the twiddle factors computed in this code do not adhere to the format expected by TI's optimized FFT code; you will need to do some translation here. Also note that this code just computes the DFT, not the FFT. In any case, this can be used as a framework for your project.
Signoff due by 1:50pm on 6-Dec-2006. Report due by 4:00pm on 7-Dec-2006.
project 6: adaptive filtering
Assignment (pdf format). Gradesheet (pdf format).
Sound files for part 1 (system identification).
Sound files for part 2 (noise cancellation).
Signoff due by 1:50pm on 13-Dec-2006. Report due by 4:00pm on 14-Dec-2006.
No homework is assigned in this course. All assignments are under the "projects" heading.