Welcome to the home page for ECE4703 "Real-Time Digital Signal Processing" for B-term 2008.

announcements and lecture slides


The required course textbook is Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Based on the TMS320C6000 by Nasser Kehtarnavaz.

The course syllabus (pdf) including expected course outcomes, grading information, and late policies.

ECE4703 academic honesty policies.

ECE4703 students with disabilities statement.

links and files

Some useful links and files. Please contact Prof. Brown if you find any broken links.

laboratory assignments

General report and project code submission guidelines (pdf).

lab 1: familiarization with ccs and the dsk plus audio clip detection

Assignment (pdf) and grade sheet. Project code and report due by 3:00pm on 6-Nov-2008.

Here is good vectors.asm file for part 3 of the assignment. Note that this file has the directive ".sect .vectors" at the top. You should make sure your linker command file has an appropriate section called ".vectors" in the correct memory location from addresses 0x00000000-0x0000021F. You may also want to edit this file if your ISR is not called "serialPortRcvISR".

lab 2: fir filtering

Assignment (pdf) and grade sheet. Project code and report due by 3:00pm on 13-Nov-2008.

lab 3: iir filtering

Assignment (pdf) and grade sheet. Project code and report due by 3:00pm on 20-Nov-2008.

A textbook that might be helpful in understanding how second-order sections work (includes code examples). See Section 7.3 for a discussion of "cascade form" which we are calling DFII-SOS.

lab 4: code optimization

Assignment (pdf) and grade sheet. Project code and report due by 3:00pm on 04-Dec-2008.

lab 5: algorithm optimization and the fft

Assignment (pdf) and grade sheet. Project code and report due by 3:00pm on 11-Dec-2008.

lab 6: adaptive filtering and the least-mean-squares algorithm

Assignment (pdf) and grade sheet. Useful files for testing your code: lab6part1.zip and lab6part2.zip. Here are the impulse responses of these unknown systems. Project code and report due by 3:00pm on 18-Dec-2008. Due to grading constraints, no late submissions can be accepted.


Midterm exam solution (pdf).

Final exam solution (pdf).


No homework is assigned in this course.