Welcome to the home page for ECE504 "Analysis of Deterministic Signals and Systems" for Fall 2009.
- [20-Oct-2009] I miscalculated the number of homework assignments in the course. The syllabus states that there are 11 homework assignments, but there are actually only 10. Homework grading will be adjusted as follows: I will drop your lowest homework grade and I will double your highest homework grade.
- [19-Oct-2009] At the very end of HW5 problem 3, there is a missing minus sign in the A matrix. A(2,2) should be -3, not 3.
- [18-Oct-2009] I've posted errata for the solutions to HW4 here and HW5 here. In addition to the error noted in HW5 problem 2(b) noted yesterday, there were several errors in HW5 problem 2(a) and also another error in HW4 problem 4. These errors and the correct solutions are shown in the errata.
- [17-Oct-2009] Note there is an error in the solution to Homework 5 Problem 2(b) where e^(tA) should be [1 t ; 0 1].
- [03-Oct-2009] A corrected homework assignment 3 was posted. The only change with respect to the original assignment is in the A(t) matrix for problem 3.
- [22-Sep-2009] Official ECE504 office hours for the next 3 weeks: Mondays 2:30-4:30pm at AK313 on Sep 28, Oct 5, and Oct 12.
- [18-Sep-2009] HW2 clarification: Note that the -1 Ohm resistance shown in Figure 2.26 of Chen problem 2.19 is incorrect. It should be +1 Ohm.
- [07-Sep-2009] An email was sent to the class mailing alias ece504@wpi.edu today. If you did not receive this email, please contact Prof. Brown.
The required course textbook is Linear System Theory and Design, 3rd edition, by Chi-Tsong Chen.
The course syllabus (pdf format) including expected course outcomes, grading information, and late policies.
ECE504 academic honesty policies.
ECE504 students with disabilities statement.
lecture notes and handouts
- Lecture 1: Introduction.
- Lecture 2: Mathematical descriptions of dynamic systems.
- Lecture 3: LTV state-space descriptions and linearization.
- Lecture 4: Solutions to DT-LTI/LTV and CT-LTI/LTV state space systems.
- Lecture 5: Computation of the state transition matrix for LTI systems.
- Lecture 6: We will just finish up the Lecture 5 slides today and spend any remaining time doing examples and discussing the upcoming Midterm Exam.
- Lecture 7: Stability.
- Lecture 8: External stability, reachability, and controllability.
- Lecture 9: Reachability, controllability, and observability for CT-LTI systems. Also, an introduction to realization theory.
- Lecture 10: Realization theory, state feedback, stabilization, and control.
- Lecture 11: Regulation, tracking, and state feedback with estimated states.
- Lecture 12: Optimal control. Here is a Matlab demo of our simple optimal control problem.
homework and solutions
- Homework 1 due by 8:45pm 15-Sep-2009. Solution.
- Homework 2 due by 8:45pm 22-Sep-2009. Note that the -1 Ohm resistance shown in Figure 2.26 of Chen problem 2.19 is incorrect. It should be +1 Ohm. Solution.
- Homework 3 due by 8:45pm 29-Sep-2009. Solution.
- Homework 4 (problem 3 corrected) due by 8:45pm 06-Oct-2009. The only change with respect to the original assignment is in the A(t) matrix for problem 3. Solution. Note that there is an error in the solution to problem 4. See the HW4 solution errata.
- Homework 5 due by 8:45pm 13-Oct-2009. Solution. Note that there are several errors in the solution to problem 2. See the HW5 solution errata. Also note that, at the very end of problem 3, there is a missing minus sign in the A matrix. A(2,2) should be -3, not 3.
- Homework 6 due by 8:45pm 03-Nov-2009. Solution.
- Homework 7 due by 8:45pm 10-Nov-2009. Solution.
- Homework 8 due by 8:45pm 17-Nov-2009. Solution.
- Homework 9 due by 8:45pm 01-Dec-2009. Solution.
- Homework 10 due by 8:45pm 08-Dec-2009. Solution.