Welcome to the home page for ECE504 "Analysis of Deterministic Signals and Systems" for Fall 2008.
- [17-Nov-2008] The final exam date has been changed from 16-Dec to 09-Dec-2008.
- [16-Oct-2008] We will have a help session in AK108 on Friday 17-Oct from 4-5pm.
- [02-Sep-2008] An email was sent to the class mailing alias ece504@wpi.edu today. If you did not receive this email, please contact Prof. Brown.
The required course textbook is Linear System Theory and Design, 3rd edition, by Chi-Tsong Chen.
The course syllabus (pdf format) including expected course outcomes, grading information, and late policies.
ECE504 academic honesty policies.
ECE504 students with disabilities statement.
lecture notes and handouts
- Lecture 1: Introduction.
- Lecture 2: Relationships between mathematical descriptions of systems.
- Lecture 3: Discrete-time systems, linearization. Updated 17-Sep-2008.
- Lecture 4: Solutions to linear state-space difference/differential equations. Updated 25-Oct-2008.
- Lecture 5: Existence of solutions to linear state-space differential equations. Subspaces, Gaussian elimination, invertibility equivalences.
- Lecture 6: Computation of the matrix exponential. Also, please see this paper for 18 other "dubious" ways to compute the matrix exponential.
- In Lecture 7 we will just be finishing up the leftover slides from Lecture 6 and using whatever remaining time we have for questions and review.
- Lecture 8: Internal stability.
- Lecture 9: (more corrections added on 12-Nov): External stability, reachability, controllability, and observability of discrete-time systems.
- Lecture 10: (minor corrections posted 19-Nov) Reachability, controllability, and observability of continuous-time systems. Introduction to realization theory and minimal realizations.
- Lecture 11: (minor corrections posted 19-Nov) Realization theory, minimal realizations, and state feedback.
- Lecture 12: State feedback using estimated states. State estimator design.
homework and solutions
- Homework 1. Solution.
- Homework 2. Due by 8am Friday 3-Oct-2008. Solution.
- Homework 3. Due by 8:50pm Tuesday 14-Oct-2008. Solution.
- Homework 4. Due by 8:50pm Tuesday 4-Nov-2008. Solution.
- Homework 5. Due by 8:50pm Tuesday 18-Nov-2008. Solution.
- Homework 6. Due by 8:50pm Tuesday 02-Dec-2008. Solution.
examinations and solutions
- A 90 minute midterm exam will be held from 6:00-7:30pm on 21-Oct-2008. Midterm exam. Midterm exam solution.
- A 150 minute comprehensive final exam will be held from 6:00-8:30pm on 09-Dec-2008. Final exam. Final exam solution. Note that there is a mistake in problem 3 where the sin(at) terms on the off-diagonal should be sin(bt).