Welcome to the home page for ECE503 "Digital Signal Processing" for Spring 2012.
- [05-Apr-2012] Aaron Fineman pointed out some ongoing research on FFTs here. There a recent paper that improves (slightly) on an 1968 record for least real additions and multiplications. This paper does not use asymptotic complexity, but rather counts the exact numbers of operations. In any case, it is interesting to see current research on improving the efficiency of the FFT.
- [21-Feb-2012] I have posted an optional bonus project. This project is optional and worth 25 bonus points. If you want to check your answers on Mitra 8.53 and 8.54, here are the textbook solutions.
- [06-Feb-2012] I've decided to make the exams in this course open-book and closed-notes, except for handwritten cheat sheets as described in the syllabus.
- [12-Jan-2012] An email was sent to the class mailing alias ece503@ece.wpi.edu today. If you did not receive this email, please contact Prof. Brown.
The required course textbook is Digital Signal Processing, a Computer-Based Approach (4th edition) by Sanjit Mitra.
The course syllabus (pdf format). Note: This is the original syllabus that I handed out in lecture 1. The exam policy is now open-book, closed-notes, and one cheat sheet (midterm) or two cheat sheets (final).
ECE503 academic honesty policies.
ECE503 students with disabilities statement.
lecture notes and handouts
- Lecture 1. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the textbook.
- Lecture 2. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapter 4 of the textbook. Here is some Matlab code that I will use to verify my analysis in the examples part of lecture.
- Regarding the question from lecture 2 about whether there really are "negative frequencies", please take a look at these pages from the Richard Lyons DSP textbook.
- Lecture 3. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapter 5 of the textbook. For more information on the DCT, I recommend also reading the original paper and this excellent presentation.
- Lecture 4. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapter 6 of the textbook. I've written up example 2 from lecture where I found and corrected the sign error I made on the board. I've also posted a clarification to my discussion about residues.
- Lecture 5. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapter 7 of the textbook. Here are scans of the notes I used for two of the examples I presented in lecture. Also, here are some Matlab functions that I did not mention in lecture that might be of interest for computing minimum phase FIR filters and the zero phase response (amplitude response) of a filter.
- Lecture 6. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapter 8 of the textbook.
- Lecture 7 will cover some review material and examples on ideal sampling, ideal recovery, the DTFT, and the DFT (time permitting). There are no slides for this lecture.
- Lecture 8 will continue our coverage of review material and examples. This week we will focus on the DFT and the z-transform. There are no slides for this lecture.
- Lecture 9. This lecture covers selected topics in Chapter 9 of the textbook. Here is the Matlab code I used to make the examples in the lecture notes.
- Lecture 10. This lecture covers asymptotic complexity basics, the main idea behind the radix-2 decimation-in-time FFT, and introduces fixed-point number representation. The 60 minute "bonus midterm" will begin at 7:30pm.
- Lecture 11. Finite precision signal processing, covering selected topics in Sections 12.1 - 12.6.
- Lecture 12. Finite precision signal processing, covering selected topics in Sections 12.1 - 12.6 (updated 24-Apr).
homework and solutions
There will be ten homework assignments in ECE503, each worth 25 points. The lowest two scores will not be counted.
IMPORTANT: Please place your ECE mailbox number (updated 20-Jan-2012) on all homework assignments.
- Homework 1. Due by 8:50pm on 23-Jan-2012. Solution.
- Homework 2. Due by 8:50pm on 30-Jan-2012. Solution.
- Homework 3. Due by 8:50pm on 06-Feb-2012. The .wav file for problem 5 is here and the image file for problem 6 is here. Solution.
- Homework 4. Due by 8:50pm on 13-Feb-2012. Solution.
- Homework 5. Due by 8:50pm on 20-Feb-2012. Solution.
- Homework 6. Due by 8:50pm on 19-Mar-2012. Solution.
- Homework 7. Due by 8:50pm on 26-Mar-2012. Solution.
- Homework 8. Due by 8:50pm on 02-Apr-2012. Solution.
- Homework 9. Due by 8:50pm on 09-Apr-2012. Solution. Note there are some errors in the solution to problem 2 (Mitra 11.27) with the V4 matrix. The (3,3) and (7,7) elements of V4 should both be W_8^4, not W_8^0. The (4,4) and (8,8) elements should both be W_8^6, not W_8^2.
- Homework 10. Due by 8:50pm on 23-Apr-2012. Solution.
examinations and solutions
- A 90 minute midterm exam worth 300 points was held from 6:00-7:30pm on 27-Feb-2012. Solution. The class average was 191/300 with a standard deviation of 50 points. The maximum score was 288/300.
- A 60 minute midterm exam worth 60 points was held from 7:30-8:30pm on 02-Apr-2012. Solution. The class average was 48.2/60 with a standard deviation of 14.5 points. The maximum score was 60/60.
- A 180 minute comprehensive final exam worth 500 points will be held from 6:00-9:00pm on 30-Apr-2012. This exam will be open-book and closed notes except for two handwritten cheat sheets as described in the syllabus. Solution. The class average was 357/500 with a standard deviation of 84.1 points. The maximum score was 500/500.