Welcome to the home page for ECE503 "Digital Signal Processing" for Spring 2012.



The required course textbook is Digital Signal Processing, a Computer-Based Approach (4th edition) by Sanjit Mitra.

The course syllabus (pdf format). Note: This is the original syllabus that I handed out in lecture 1. The exam policy is now open-book, closed-notes, and one cheat sheet (midterm) or two cheat sheets (final).

ECE503 academic honesty policies.

ECE503 students with disabilities statement.

lecture notes and handouts

homework and solutions

There will be ten homework assignments in ECE503, each worth 25 points. The lowest two scores will not be counted.

IMPORTANT: Please place your ECE mailbox number (updated 20-Jan-2012) on all homework assignments.

examinations and solutions